Staplefield is located in the Central Park Recreation Center at the heart of the Denver, Colorado neighborhood of Stapleton.
Photo by Frank Ooms.

Hanging in the central atrium of the building, its visible from all around.

It acts as a dynamic model that mirrors the state of the building and its occupancy.

An array of sensors locate movement in the various parts of the Center and software translates and choreographs that information back into an animated 3 dimensional illuminated field.

View of the star cluster from below.

At the top of the piece mirrored arms both hold up the columns of LEDs and conceal motion sensors that detect the movements below. Multiple sensors fire together to help generate a coherent animation within the piece as a whole

Each vertical column is made of triangular circuit-boards with LEDs at each end. These multicolor LEDs produce any hue or intensity. When there are only a few people at the center the piece sparkles in their direction. When the center is populated and active the piece becomes fully animated.